Trina Solar, The Best Solar Energy Company

trina solar, solar energy

Indonesian Palm Oil News (IPO News) – Solar Power Plant (PLTS) is one of the priorities in the grand energy strategy which is continuously developed by Indonesian government. As a country located on the equator, Indonesia has abundant solar energy potential. The sunlight all year round here is estimated to be able to generate up to 4.8 kWh/m2.

The great potential of solar energy owned by Indonesia has attracted many local and foreign companies aggressively put their investment to develop their business in Indonesia. Trina Solar is one of them highlighted by IPO NEWS.

Trina Solar is the second largest company in the world in the field of solar energy. Therefore, many parties want to know various information of Trina Solar. Recently, the IPO News team accepted the invitation of Yabes Supit, a Marketing Manager of PT. Trina Solar for the Indonesian region in the Mega Kuningan Area, Jakarta. The followings are excerpts of the interview.

Could you tell us a brief history about the background of Trina Solar’s establishment…?
Inspired by the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, Trina Solar was established at the same year. The head office of the company is located in Changzhou, China. The company is the first photovoltaic (PV) company in the world.
As a leading PV company, Trina Solar has pioneered solar technology for the last 26 years. The applied technology is to increase the diameter of the silicon wafer from 125mm to 210mm and the power module from below 100W to 690W.

Trina Solar is currently 26 years old. What are prestigious achievements of Trina Solar…?
In the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Trina Solar last year (2022), the company had delivered PV modules 100 GW to over 100 countries where these were capable of generating approximately 135 billion kWh of clean energy, reducing annual global CO2 emissions by 135 million tons and coal consumption of 54.54 million tons equivalent to planting 7.29 billion trees. by the end of 2022 Trina Solar had already delivered 120GW.
Throughout its business journey, Trina Solar has won many prestigious awards as seen below.

Galeri Trina Solar

What do you think of the actual market opportunity for the PLTS industry…?
Quite large, considering that the world has committed to the agreement in France 2015 to reduce world emissions.

For more info please read IPO News May 2023 edition, or call celuler number 087878260925 (WhatsApp)

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