National Conglomeration Controlling Oil Palm Plantations In Indonesia
The results of a survey conducted by IPO News in the last five years (2018-2022) show that oil palm plantation areas in Indonesia have been controlled by more than 50 conglomerate group companies, both domestic and foreign. Local companies which control the largest palm oil areas include Sinarmas Group, Salim Group, Musim Mas Group, Asian Agri Group, Astra Agro Group, Bakrie Group, Darmex Group, ANJ Group, Makin Group, Permata Hijau Group, Rajawali Group, Sampoerna Group, PTPN III Group, Sungai Budi Group, Teladan Prima Group, Triputra Group, SIPEF Group and many other conglomerate companies. The following are the names of the company groups which control oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The table below continues in the next episode.
For more info please read IPO News November 2022 edition, or call celuler number 087878260925 (WhatsApp)
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